Over the River and Through the Woods
Jordan Peterson as Nick Cristiano, Tom Haig as Grandpa Frank Gianelli, Ilona Pinzke as Grandma Aida Gianelli, and Patricia Kugler-Whitely as Grandma Emma Crisitano. (Credit: Marie Schulte)November 20-29, 2008 in the Evjue Theatre
Get ready to laugh out loud at this hilarious tale. Nick, a single Italian-American from New Jersey dines with both sets of grandparents every Sunday. Now he has to break the news that he has been offered his long-awaited dream job. It comes with a price, however...and his grandparents, in their own inimitable way, scheme to prevent him from accepting it. You will love this heart-warming comic alternative for the holiday season!
See photos from MTG's production of Over the River and Through the Woods.
...while there's no Christmas tree or pumpkin pie to be found, holiday spirit abounds in this show, manifested as the love of family.
The Italian phrase tengo famiglia is echoed again and again in many different voices throughout the show. It literally means I hold family. What those words mean for the characters and the audience is something complex and beautiful that resonates well during the holiday season.
- Amelia Cook, The Isthmus: Laugh and cry with Over the River and Through the Woods by the Madison Theatre Guild
I'm going to hazard a major statement here: "Over the River and Through the Woods" is the perfect holiday play...by the end, I wanted nothing more than to share it with my own mother.
- Lindsay Christians, 77 Square: 'Over the River' is worth the trip