Welcome to Our Village,
Please Invade Carefully

Performances are May 10th to 25th, 2024
by Eddie Robson
Directed by Jason Compton
Performed on the Evjue Stage at the Bartell Theatre

"Welcome to Our Village, Please Invade Carefully" is a delightful stage comedy that ingeniously combines elements of science fiction and the idyllic charm of rural British life. Adapted from the original radio comedy by the accomplished Eddie Robson for BBC Radio 4, this play unfolds in the unassuming, somewhat dull, English village of Cresdon Green. The unique twist is that Cresdon Green has been quietly invaded and encapsulated by an indestructible forcefield by an alien race known as the Geonin, led by the logically impassive Uljabaan.

The theatrical adaptation centers around two key characters: Katrina Lyons, a regular woman turned resistance leader, and Uljabaan, the Geonin's somewhat inept field commander. Katrina, who had been discontented with her previous life, embraces the alien invasion as an opportunity for exciting and meaningful action, leading the charge against the alien usurpers. On the other hand, Uljabaan attempts to maintain a façade of peace while he puzzles over the unfamiliar customs and idiosyncrasies of human existence.

 "Welcome to Our Village, Please Invade Carefully" is a witty stage play that serves as a playful commentary on British village life, human nature, and the often absurd complexity of bureaucratic processes, even in an extraterrestrial context. Robson's engaging narrative has been translated into a visually stunning and humorously absurd theatrical piece that pushes the boundaries of the classic 'alien invasion' narrative. Each scene is packed with dry humor, relatable characters, and enough suspense to keep audiences hooked. With its transformation from a radio show to a stage play, it becomes a lighthearted exploration of the collision between the extraordinary and the ordinary, challenging and entertaining audiences in equal measure.

Tickets are $25 and can be purchased on the Bartell Theatre’s website. Or, call the Bartell after 2:00 pm, Tuesday through Friday: 608-661-9696.